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Issue 5 - May 1972
As everyone knows, Britain's hospitals and social services programme is vastly understaffed, especially the less glamorous institutions such as mentally handicapped hospitals. One such place in the north-east is Prudhoe and Monkton Hospital which has a desperate need for more voluntary workers. Mentally handicapped people need help from volunteers because volunteers can give these people the extras in life that staff and the state cannot give. So if you have any free time to devote to people in our society who really need help from those not isolated in the mental hospital environment, then see what you can do ... it's amazing what a breath of fresh air from the outside world can do for the patients. Decide how much time you can give - it can be as little as a morning a week, and then ring Robert McCoull at Prudhoe 2501 ext 16, who will be pleased to discuss things with you. There are a wide variety of things to do in 365 acres of beautiful grounds with all meals and expenses paid.

Love / peace.